is a 30-month project to strengthen the early warning and data management system to provide enhanced weather and climate communication to vulnerable populations and their communities in Jamaica.
BReTCAT is led by the executing partnership of the Caribbean Climate Innovation Center (CCIC), Resurgence, Meteorological Service of Jamaica (MSJ); and primarily funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), with subsequent funding from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and Climate-Kic.BReTCAT carefully reimagined the local weather forecasts, creating new channels to receive these forecasts, creating new forecasts and localized the forecast language through carefully crafted co-designing processes with major local stakeholders.
Adapt, enhance and co-design weather and climate information products:
- 500 people surveyed, and interviewed in product design and research;
- 2 weather products developed;
- public awareness campaign implemented, and;
- 10 media outlets that promote/broadcast enhanced climate information.
Use of Digital Technology and Social Media to Enhance Weathern and Climate Data and Information:
- The creation and promotion of a weather app for Jamaica;
- the creation of an open data platform for meteorological and hydrological digital weather information for smart phone use;
and - 5000 users downloading and utilizing the weather app
Support to SMEs with business models based on the enhanced access to weather and climate data and information:
- The execution of 3 business bootcamps on climate and weather technologies;
- Supporting up to 60 entrepreneurs
throughout the programme, and;
- having 20 high impact entrepreneurs incubated.
A branch of the Ministry Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC)